dreadedmonkeygod . net


I've been in a nice Monday night workout groove for a while: an hour of Krav Maga, then 45 min. or so of running and plyometrics, then some stretching. The whole cycle takes about 2.5 hours, from 6:45 to 9:15.

I know the plyometrics are doing me good. I can feel the benefits. But I'm pretty sure that the time I spend running is wasted. I'm training for either multi-hour bike rides, explosive, all-out efforts at Krav, or climbing. None of that bears any resemblance to 25 min. of moderate running.

So tonight (see below) I put my faith in science. Ground fighting class as usual, then a Tabata sprint workout. Six reps of 20 sec. of sprinting, followed by 10 sec. of rest. After that, I'll head home for a short yoga set. Basicaly, I'm planning on being done by 9:00 PM, with greater benefits and less time spent training.

I'll keep you posted.

Update: Ground fighting class consisted of lots of chokes, and more sit-ups than I can count. By the time the hour was up, I was more than happy to call it a night. So, I'll have to see what Tabata has to offer me some other time. I really should learn not to post here about what I plan to do...

Just for grins, here's my current typical weekly schedule:

  • M: Krav (1hr), Tabata & plyos (15 min), yoga (25 min)
  • T: Lunchtime yoga (1hr)
  • W: Rest
  • R: Lunchtime yoga, Krav (1hr, W or R)
  • F: Rest
  • Sa or Sn: Mountain bike

All of that is subject to change depending on what my evening schedule looks like, and how I feel. It's pretty common that I plug in a lunchtime run/plyo workout on Fridays if I know I won't ride until Sunday.

So, yeah. Busy. But eating right and feeling great.

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