dreadedmonkeygod . net

Attention Telemarketers

I try to have compassion for everyone. I understand guys trying to make their way in crap jobs. But when someone says, "I've repeatedly asked you not to call," and in reply you ask, "Would you like the Daily News delivered to your office or to your home?" I'm going to calmly make you hate me, your boss, your job, and your life, and I will have fun doing it.

I learned how to fight dirty from an ex-girlfriend. I'll be rude and arrogant and entitled. I'll interrupt you, ask you unfair questions, tell you straight out that you're not very bright, and cite your enraged silence and lack of a quick return as proof that you're an imbicile. I'll tell you that not hanging up on me is further proof you're an imbicile. And then I'll remind you that you owe it to me as your customer to stay on the phone and take it. I'll ignore all your defenses, hammer that "you're an idiot" button a few more times, and leave you sputtering and weak and hating me so much you need to take a deep breath and go have a smoke.

Why? Because it's not okay to be actively amoral. It's not okay to try to make a living by bothering people and ignoring their requests that you go away, please. When I tell you that I've asked the Daily News not to call, and you say, "Well, how do I know what you told some other guy?" then you clearly need greater parental involvement, and I don't mind making you call me Daddy for a few minutes.


Maya Angelou was once on the set of a movie, and emerged from her trailer to find two young black men screaming obscenities at each other and getting ready to fight. She walked up to one of them and said quietly, "Can I speak with you, please?"

"This mother(*$%*#@^...--" he started.

"I understand," she said. "But can I please talk with you a moment."

Again he started screaming at the other man.

"Don't you know," she asked him, "that our ancestors lay spoon-fashion in holds of ships, chained to each other, lying in each other's excrement, and urine, and menstrual flow, so that you could live two hundred years later?"

The young man started in again, "Yeah, but he--"

"Don't you know that your grandfathers stood on auction blocks, so that you could be here?"

The man started to quiet down, "You don't understand--"

She said, "When was the last time anyone told you how important you are?"

Tears welled up in the man's eyes, and they talked for a while.

The man was Tupac Shakur, and his mother later called Dr. Angelou to say that she had probably saved her son's life.

So, I'm trying to remember what Dr. Maya Angelou teaches us about compassion, but all I really know today is what my ex-girlfriend taught me about fighting dirty.

Readers' Comments

Right f---ing on! Though I take a less "MW" approach with telemarketers, it is very tempting to open the can of WhupAss(tm) over the phone. Quote frankly, I find the whole telemarketing industry to be loathesome.
Yeah, I'm with you. I'm always amazed that the telemarketing industry lobbied against the national Do Not Call List. Who in their right mind lobbies for the right to *bother people*. Wouldn't self interest alone lead them to not want to waste their time? That reminds me, I've got to talk to the L.A. Times today. I got a bill for papers I never asked for.
On the other hand, my little bit of revenge taught me that I really should have just hung up, or asked them to hold on a sec and just walked away. Getting mad didn't improve anyone's day.
Yes, the Laydown and Walk method may be your best bet. It helps you keep your cool AND has the added benefit of tying up an operator just a bit longer while they listen to your fish tank gurgle. Wasting that time means they have less time to bother others. Can altruism have a mean streak? ;)
Eller | 01/15/07 3:21PM
Well, at this point, I've requested that they put me on their Do Not Call list, and IIRC violations can be reported to the state Attourney General. So the next time the Daily News calls, I just get a name and send a complaint through the state's website.
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