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Student Suspended, Stripped of Honors... over Skittles

Since it's short, here's the whole story, from CNN:

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut (AP) -- Contraband candy has led to big trouble for an eighth-grade honors student in Connecticut.

Michael Sheridan was stripped of his title as class vice president, barred from attending an honors student dinner and suspended for a day after buying a bag of Skittles from a classmate.

School spokeswoman Catherine Sullivan-DeCarlo says the New Haven school system banned candy sales in 2003 as part of a districtwide school wellness policy.

Michael's suspension has been reduced from three days to one, but he has not been reinstated as class vice president.

He says he didn't realize his candy purchase was against the rules -- although he did notice the student selling the Skittles on February 26 was being secretive.

Fascists. Did they think that just taking the candy away would send the wrong message?

And schools wonder why students don't take teachers seriously. When teachers behave like this, it's pretty hard for anyone to take them seriously.

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