dreadedmonkeygod . net

Craving Simplicity

Reading about Jeff Kerkove's preparations for the Rim Ride:

This early week is all about figuring out the little things: what supplies to carry, how to pace, how much nutrition, how bright of a light system. As I sit here about 6 days out I have a pretty good idea of what should happen. But, we all know that this is not always the case.

I have a powerful urge to throw my gear in the back of my car and head for the hills. I'm thinking of a two-day camping/riding trip to Joshua Tree in the next couple of weeks. Just me, a tent, a camp stove, and my bike. Then again, it's J-Tree, so I might want to consider somewhere else. Yosemite?

To consider: the Wildflower Century is coming up. Four weekends, then Wildflower.

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