dreadedmonkeygod . net

Addicted to The West Wing

Okay, so here it is: I'm addicted to The West Wing, and I like it that way. I've digested nearly the entire first season on DVD in the last week, and seasons two and three are on their way.

Yes, the show has it's silly moments. But still. I watch every character give his life to his job, and I'm envious. They've found something they love to do, and someone crazy enough to pay them to do it. We should all be so lucky. It's a completely different notion of work: I want to devote my time to a cause. My employer is willing to cover my living expenses so I can do that.

I want a job I can be that passionate about. I realize that I'm never going to be happy writing checks to the EFF and Access Fund and Amnesty Intl. when I should be working for them.

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